Spotting fake news for crisis communications
Fake news is hard to spot. When it comes to crisis communications training what are the best free tools to use? >>>
A misinformation crisis for Metro Bank
Spare a thought for the comms team at Metro Bank, facing a possible run on the bank due to fake news and misinformation spread via WhatsApp which claims the bank may shut down or go bankrupt, and advising people to close their accounts. The bank is still reeling from a >>>
Crisis Communications – inside Facebook
The Christchurch shootings, and their live-broadcast shocked the world. The social media companies immediately had to roll out two different crisis communications plans, to deal with two different things. >>>
Crisis communications fail. The day British Airways nearly lost its reputation as the World’s Favourite Airline
Can you afford to make the same crisis communications mistakes in your PR strategy? How much is your reputation worth? Do you regularly, thoroughly test your crisis plan? This seven-point plan could have saved the airline millions in compensation and lost credibility. BA’s catastrophic computer crash led to hundreds of >>>
Las Vegas Airport and British Airways plane on fire – a lesson in crisis communications and social media
The response from Las Vegas Airport (McCarran, @lasairport on Twitter) to the fire on yesterday’s British Airways flight, is an excellent example of crisis communications and social media best practice. On a practical basis both Las Vegas Airport, and the British Airways teams dealt with the issue – a reported >>>
Twitter becomes a censoring media owner, not a passive media channel
Twitter the very clever censor Twitter is no longer a passive social media channel. It is trying to balance freedom of speech with freedom to not be threatened. And it should be applauded. Just as Post Offices worldwide have never been responsible for the contents of the envelopes they deliver, >>>
Quality Seconds > Pointless Eyeballs
A few years ago I started touting around an idea about how to cross-compare the value of PR coverage on print, TV, radio and online. Social media evaluation was a relatively new phenomena. Every PR agency worth its salt was wrestling with the same thing. How to demonstrate to clients >>>
Why Nissan’s corporate reputation deserves to crash and burn
With great power comes great responsibility. But not if you’re an international car giant, apparently. Irrespective of your existing corporate reputation. Nissan’s Datsun Go car gets Zero Points on the GlobalNCAP crash test scale. It’s a brand new car. Recently launched in India. This is madness. The car is so unsafe, >>>
Crisis Communications oversimplified by The Economist. Hopefully
The world of crisis communications is undoubtedly far more complicated than the Economist’s review of Glass Jaw: A Manifesto for Defending Fragile Reputations in an Age of Instant Scandal (by Eric Dezenhall) would have you believe. In fact, I hope the the book is far more complicated than the review suggests. >>>
11 common themes of the best social media playbooks
We’re often asked to put together social media strategies for our clients, and then to make them as practical as possible – to develop a social media playbook (although I hate that term) So what does a good social media playbook involve? Obviously it varies dependent on individual clients and >>>
If you don’t buy the product, you are the product. Or worse. Everything you do is being watched.
My mac alerted me to a new Safari update, today. Nothing too surprising about that. Normally I just wouldn’t care. I don’t use Safari. I use Chrome. But this time I sat up and took notice. Because this time, that update includes the option to use DuckDuckGo. Duckduckgo — The search engine >>>
The real reason that Starbucks spells your name wrong
Hat tip to Itsnicethat – a cracking film about why Starbucks spells your wrong… which harks back to my post about Coke earlier this summer. In short, the social currency is worth it. When it comes to content creation, this a great way to get personalised user-generated content out in >>>
My name, your drink. Mass personalisation? Or a social gimmick?
Coca-Cola were sampling exercise in Holborn recently. Free drinks. What’s not to like? In fact, free drinks with your name on. Even better. This year’s campaign features four times more names than previously, including mate, bestie, mum and dad. Nice touches. The return of the campaign was apparently prompted by >>>
Power to the people! Crisis communications required
The power of the boycott, or a campaign by users (or non-users) is not a new phenomenon. But social media means that when an issue gains sympathy, particularly amongst an influential group who are well connected and can make a very simple argument work in 140 characters or less, businesses >>>
More on Malaysia airlines’ crisis communications…
Just a quick follow up/edit after my last post on Malaysia Airlines’ approach to crisis communications. After the previous post the airline have found themselves in the unenviable place of having no information to share. The vacuum swiftly became all-encompassing, and the distressed families soon became the centre of global >>>
Best practice: crisis communications and Malaysia Airlines
No airline ever wants to puts its crisis communications training procedures into practice, but over the last few days the Malaysia Airlines team have done an excellent job in communicating to a global audience what little information they have, in very difficult circumstances. Boeing have also followed their textbook procedures >>>
“All that happens must be known.” The Circle is Google in disguise
I’ve recently finished a novel, The Circle, written by Dave Eggers. I’d recommend it. Not for the earth-shattering quality of the writing. The writing is average at best, but for the issues that Eggers introduces. The Circle is Google (or maybe Facebook) by any other name. It’s a highly desireable >>>
A gazillion well-sourced facts about the internet
I rarely repost things, but thought I should make an exception for this: some really excellent and well-sourced stats, in particularly about the rise of mobile, and the numbers of people using the likes of Snapchat. Well worth a read The future of digital from Useful Ideas >>>
Oxfam and DEC – Crisis Communications experts
We’re still adjusting to the destruction and havoc caused by the Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, and there’s plenty more we don’t know about, so it seems almost churlish to look at the crisis communications involved while there’s still so much suffering on the ground. But I want to applaud >>>
We are all advertisements now – and that’s not a good thing
Here’s a little piece I originally wrote for The Wall Blog: I’m not saying we should rewind the clock. But I am saying we need to discuss the future. I spend a lot of time noodling around Facebook and on blogs and forums, much of it for professional reasons. But >>>
The Collaborative economy: why the future is here already…
Those Altimeter types remain ahead of the curve, and this post by Jeremiah Oywang is no exception. The long and the short of it is that all organisations will become more porous, more collaborative, and more – dare I say it – helpful to their customers, and their colleagues, and >>>
Social Media statistics. Loads of them
I’m regularly looking around for the latest stats to back up points of view, or to help me understand exactly what’s going on the world. One of the ways I pool everything is via Evernote (which if you don’t use it, you should), which makes everything incredibly searchable. I use >>>
Google behind the firewall – a reality not a myth
Is Google + finally going to come of age? I’ve long argued that Google+’s ‘public’ profiles are something of a stalking horse for Google’s more corporate aspirations. And at the end of August, the (former) search engine took another giant leap into offering collaboration and content software for enterprises by >>>
Klout – don’t believe the hype
Q: When is a Tweeting clock more influential than the editor in Chief of the Guardian? A: When you rely on a flawed algorithm like Klout to measure influence Klout is an algorithm which promises to ‘measure influence’ in social media. But (as I seem to be arguing >>>
One algorithm for influence? You’re having a laugh…
Understanding and measuring influence has vexed social media communicators for years. Two good places to start would be the release of Brian Solis/Altimeter’s “how to” guide, The Rise of Digital Influence on 21 March, and last week’s panel debate (22 March 2012) at the Guardian’s Changing Media Summit, featuring Leo Ryan (group head of social at >>>
The problems with measuring influence
Measuring influence – where to start. Two good places would be the publication (yesterday) of Brian Solis/Altimeter’s “how to” guide, The Rise of Digital Influence, and attending today’s panel debate (today) at the Guardian’s Changing Media Summit (#cms2012), featuring Leo Ryan (Ogilvy), Andrew Grill (Kred), Bonin Bough (Kraft), Philip Sheldrake >>>
Organisational culture 7, social tools 1
Over the last month or so, I’ve been lucky enough to spend a fair amount of time with some of the UK’s foremost social business thinkers, letting their ideas ferment alongside my own. And I’ve been proudly commenting on blogs which extol the virtues of only loosely defining what social >>>
Enterprise social networks – Facebook inside the Firewall
As increasing numbers of businesses consider whether (and how) to apply social networks across their enterprise – how to take the best bits of Facebook and Google+ behind the firewall – and whether to use off-the-shelf (e.g. Yammer), customisable (Jive) or bespoke (e.g. IBM/Lotus) platforms to deliver it, this deckfrom >>>
Social business and serendipity – a match made in heaven
Newcomers to the concept of social business get hung up on the technologies, the shiny new toys that IBM, Jive or Yammer let people play with. But what makes businesses social is not the technologies, it’s the culture. Which the technologies can amplify. I’ve just finished reading the excellent Steve >>>
Social business predictions part three
Reputation management will become a more recognised discipline around the board table The more exposure the C-suite have to listening tools like Radian6, Sysomos, Onalytica et al, the more that CEOs will want to influence what they say. So-called ‘soft’ metrics are never going to have the clout of harder, >>> « PreviousPage1Page2Next »